“There’s no place like home.” This age-old idiom was popularized by the iconic 1939 film, The Wizard of Oz. The phrase, which was famously uttered by the movie’s protagonist, Dorothy, was actually first coined in the 1823 song “Home, Sweet Home”. The lyrics were written by John Howard Payne. Today, the phrase speaks to the feelings of seniors all throughout Canada. Continuing to live at home amongst family members is the ideal way to grow old.
That is the very definition of aging in place. However, the term “aging in place” means so much more than simply living out your years in the comforts of your own household. It also refers to the ability to have access to services and to health and social supports. Living safely and independently in your home is the key. Without the help of family members, the community and quite often, mobility solutions that assist with physical impairments, aging in place isn’t possible.
91% of seniors are more comfortable at homes where modifications have been made.
As reported by Winnipeg’s Enabling Access, March of Dimes Canada conducted a survey of residents who had home modifications done to their homes. It found that 91% of the respondents felt that, as a result of home modifications, they could do things they could not do before the modifications were done. 41% of respondents also reported that the modifications provided unexpected benefits.
In our opinion, stair lifts provide some of the best examples of highly-beneficial home modifications. They can be affixed to any staircase, whether it is straight or curved. Stair lifts offer a home’s elderly residents safe and smooth rides up and down the stairs. This significantly increases safety by practically eliminating the risk of falls. However, an added benefit is the improved mood of the senior using the stair lift. With a return to a state of independence, an older adult can feel more self-assured and even proud.
78% of Canadians want to age in their current homes.
Who wouldn’t want to live out their lives at home? Naturally, it’s the place where you feel most comfortable. Enabling Access reports that a 2021 National Home Modifications Survey found that while 78% of Canadians want to age in their current homes, only 26% predict that they will be able to do so. What is holding them back from fulfilling these aspirations to age in place? It’s not as if it’s more expensive to live at home instead of a long-term care facility.
In fact, the Vivintel-conducted survey found that 67% of Canadians believe that “Modifications to an existing home are more cost-effective than living in a retirement home or long-term care facility.” At Advantage Home Health Solutions, we can attest to the fact that modifying your home for the purpose of allowing a senior to age in place doesn’t have to cost you a fortune.
We can help you to age in place!
Our team always ensures that you have the complete picture to make an informed decision about the mobility solutions and home modifications we offer. You will know all of the possible options so that you can choose which solution is best for you. We can even assist you with funding programs!
If budgetary concerns are holding you back from purchasing your home medical equipment, we can help. There are a variety of provincial and national programs that can partially or fully fund your mobility equipment or home accessibility renovations. To learn all about them, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 403-460-5438. You may also email us by filling out the form on our Contact page. We look very much forward to hearing from you soon!