People wear compression stockings for comfort, to do better in sports, and to help prevent serious medical conditions. They improve blood flow, can lessen pain and swelling in your legs and can lower your chances of getting deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a kind of blood clot, along with other circulation problems.
Who Uses Compression Stockings?
- People with or at risk for circulation problems, like DVT, varicose veins, or diabetes
- People who have just had surgery
- Those who can’t leave their bed or have a hard time moving their legs• People who stand all day at work
- Athletes
- Pregnant women
- People who spend long stretches of time on airplanes, like pilots
Some athletes wear compression garments on their legs and arms. The theory is that, during activity, better blood flow helps get oxygen to their muscles, and the support will help prevent tissue damage. Afterward, the beefed-up blood and lymph circulation helps muscles recover quickly. They won’t be as sore, and they won’t cramp as much.
How Do Compression Stockings Work?
The pressure on your legs helps blood vessels work better. The arteries that take oxygen-rich blood to your muscles can relax, so blood can flow freely and veins get a boost pushing blood back to your heart.
Compression stockings help keep your legs from getting tired and achy. They can also ease swelling in your feet and ankles as well as help prevent and treat spider and varicose veins. They may even stop you from feeling light-headed or dizzy when you stand up.
Because the blood keeps moving, it prevents it from pooling in your veins to make a clot. Clots make it harder for blood to flow and can cause swelling, discolored skin, and other problems. If a clot forms and breaks free, it can travel with your blood and get stuck somewhere dangerous, like your lungs.
What Kinds of Compression Garments Are There?
Socks and sleeves come in different lengths to cover different parts of your body. For DVT, most compression stockings go to just below the knee, but you can get thigh-highs and tights, too. They also have different levels of pressure, measured in mm Hg. Compression stockings should feel snug, but not painfully tight. Mild compression, with lower numbers, is usually enough to keep you comfortable on your feet at work. You’ll need higher numbers with a firmer fit to prevent DVT.
At Advantage Home Health Solutions, we have certified fitters to help you choose the best compression solution to help you live better and healthier. Contact us and we’ll arrange a time to meet with you.