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Helping The Elderly Get Through This Very Tough Time

Unfortunately, the world is still contending with the coronavirus pandemic. As a result, the vast majority of us remain isolated at home. Taking steps to stop the spread of COVID-19 is necessary – but it can create many problems. Feelings of depression and loneliness are among them. The elderly, in particular, are understandably having a very tough time. So how can you help?

Introduce technology for face to face calls.

One of the absolute toughest challenges faced by seniors, at the present time, is the isolation from family members and friends. Especially for those who live in long-term care facilities, not being able to have visitors can be incredibly soul-crushing. It’s a sad situation that can be best improved by allowing some face time via tablets and smartphones. Find a way to get this technology into the hands of your elderly loved one if you haven’t already. And be sure to call frequently.

Kayla Johnston is the manager of programs and volunteer services at The Rekai Centres. “We implemented the face-to-family program through the iPad and now with COVID-19 happening we need family members to be in contact with their loved ones and so this is a chance for them to get to see their family member face to face and be able to talk to them,” she told Global News.

Every holiday season, food and toy drives are the norm. Seemingly, people tend to become more aware about the need to help those less fortunate when they are spending money on their friends and family. Well, consider the coronavirus pandemic a time when the less fortunate need you more than ever. Our elderly citizens need as much help as we can give them right now. Consider offering your own donations of non-perishable food items and other necessities to get them through this tough time.

“Lots of non-perishable items have disappeared from stores, especially hand sanitizers and toilet paper,” points out the trio of Basia Belza, Anita Souza and Tatiana Sadak on, “Seniors risking a trip to the store might find mostly empty shelves anyway. Consider shopping for them while doing yours, or help them set up a revolving delivery from the grocery store.”

Stay isolated yourself.

Oddly enough, one of the best things you can do for the elderly, right now, is to stay at home. The objective, of course, is to prevent the potential spread of the coronavirus by not coming into close contact with seniors. Nathan Stall is a geriatrics specialist at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto. In a article by Jacob Lorinc, he explains what people can do to help the elderly navigate through the pandemic.

Staying at home, Stall says, is the most helpful thing you can do for seniors. “Older adults have been victimized into thinking they need to be more isolated than the rest of us, when in reality we need to isolate ourselves to help them,” he informs, “When we panic-buy, when we jam the stores, when we go out on St. Patrick’s Day instead of avoiding large groups, we’re putting them at risk more than ourselves.”

The Advantage Home Health Solutions team is committed to helping the elderly get through this very tough time. For information about our high-quality mobility solutions, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 403-460-5438. You may also email us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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