With the summertime now in full swing, it’s important to note that high temperatures can present a great number of health hazards for our elderly loved ones. While most Canadians relish the summer season, it should not be overlooked that extreme heat is dangerous for the elderly.
“The heat can be especially difficult on young children and the elderly, so make sure to check regularly on your family, friends and neighbors during hot spells,” advises Jeff Dailey on Senior.com, “Often heat-related issues arise before you have a chance to ask for help.”
But what else should be done to ensure that seniors are kept safe during the sweltering summer? Here are three tips:
1. Avoid the hottest part of the day.
While most of us Canadians thoroughly enjoy the summertime, it’s important to be smart about when we decide to soak up the sun’s rays. While sunscreen is highly recommended at all times you plan on exposing your skin to the sun, it’s also wise to avoid the sun when it’s harmful UV rays are at its strongest. According to Ottawa’s Qualicare, those hours occur during the middle of the day.
“Activities outdoors should be planned for in the morning and the evening hours of the day to avoid being outside during the hottest part of the day (outdoor activities should be avoided between 10am and 4pm),” they advise, “If an outdoor activity must occur when the sun is at its strongest, adequate hydration, breaks from physical exertion, and shade should be sought during this time.”
2. Wear light clothing.
It may sound like a no-brainer, but many elderly individuals get quite comfortable in their favourite sweaters and cardigans. Quite obviously, they shouldn’t be worn on hot days. “In the extreme heat of summer, it is advised to wear light, loose-fitting clothing to keep air circulating and allow heat to escape,” says Qualicare, “Wearing lighter colours like white, yellow and orange will help to reflect sun’s rays.”
3. Take several “cool down” breaks.
If you’ve made plans to take part in some outdoor activities on any given day, make sure that you’re taking frequent breaks. Always have a water bottle on hand to ensure that you’re staying hydrated. Find spots in the shade and make sure you locate a place to sit and rest.
“When spending time out in the hot sun, it’s beneficial to take numerous breaks to allow your body to recover,” agrees Dailey, “Having a cool area in your home in which to recover can also be beneficial. Make sure your cooling device – whether you have an electric fan, a portable air conditioner or central AC – is working properly to ensure faster recovery.”
At Advantage Home Health Solutions, we’re especially proud of our rollators as they provide elderly individuals with seats. Also known as four-wheeled walkers, they are the only mobility solution of the walker variety that offers a place to sit. Rollators also offer the most mobility and are considered the best option for walking longer distances!
For more information about the rollators offered by Advantage Home Health Solutions, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 403-460-5438. You may also email us by filling out the form on our Contact page!