Why Are Consultations Important?
When people get to points in their lives when they need assistance with carrying out their regular day-to-day tasks, they will require solutions to address immediate needs and for the long-term. For those with mobility issues, “Band-Aid” remedies aren’t helpful. Taking a look at their long-term goals to lead fulfilling lives is necessary when deciding upon the ways in which they will get assistance with getting around. This is why Advantage Home Health Solutions is so adamant about having a consultation process with each of our clients.
Safety and Peace of Mind
We believe that the safety of our clients is the most important aspect of our relationship. If we can provide solutions that keep them safe, on a daily basis, we know that we have done our jobs. But, in order to truly meet one’s safety needs, it’s imperative that we consult with him/her to determine the various aspects of his/her life that may prove to be unsafe and deterring them from maintaining their independence and dignity.
On the heals of safety, we also believe it is our responsibility to discuss and provide various options to ensure our clients have all the information required to make an informed decision.
Accessing Your Home
What things do we look to discover during a consultation? Determining an individual’s ability and requirement to access various areas of their home is an example of something we learn about when we consult with a client. Understanding this particular issue helps to point us in the right direction when determining options and a best-fit solution. Advantage Home Health Solutions has a variety of stair lifts, wheels chair lifts, and residential elevators that are available to those who face difficulties with access into and throughout their home.
Mobility Outside Your Home
‘We’re also interested in learning if our clients require assistance with mobility outside of their homes. Learning whether or not they walk or travel distances unassisted or with a caregiver is often a big part of the consultation process. Because we’re so dedicated to helping our clients live their lives independently, we aim to find ways for them to enjoy as many occasions with their families and friends, and conducting their day-to-day business as possible.
What solutions are available for mobility use? Advantage Home Health Solutions has a variety of walkers, wheelchairs and scooters for those who enjoy the great outdoors. The way we see it, it’s only right that our clients get to enjoy the lifestyles they want, regardless of their mobility issues. So, again, knowing the specific needs of each and every one of our clients is of paramount important to us.
Options and Solutions to Maintain Your Independence
We recognize that everyone is different, so everyone has unique needs. Without consulting with each individual client, we don’t feel that we’d be able to fairly assess the most appropriate options and solutions for each one of them. Our goal is to put our clients’ minds at ease. And while it may take a more time to review all possibilities, we know that the time we take together ensures that the information and options we provide helps our clients to make the right decisions for them – and that is certainly worth it!
What is the first step towards finding the perfect solution for your mobility issue? We recommend contacting the experts at Advantage Home Health Solutions and setting up a consultation. We make it our mission to simplify everything so that all you need to worry about is how much you will be enjoying your new found mobility and independence. Don’t hesitate to contact us today!
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Click here to learn more about the consultation process offered by Advantage Home Health Solutions.
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