Custom Adjacent Vertical Platform Lift Installation for Wheelchair

This client had a deck with two entrances and wanted a vertical platform lift installation on one entrance.
Wheelchair Lift (VPL) Installation

This client had a deck with two entrances and wanted a vertical platform lift installation on one entrance.

Wheelchair Lift (VPL) Installation

We didn’t have to rebuild any stairs because he had 2 sets of stairs onto the deck.

Wheelchair Lift (VPL) Installation

We removed one staircase and did site prep for the VPL.

Wheelchair Lift (VPL) Installation

We completed the prep work for the wheelchair lift. With the travel wall on the bottom to avoid pinch points and a gate at the top.

Wheelchair Lift (VPL) Installation

This is the view from the lower level of the completed wheelchair platform installation.

Wheelchair Lift (VPL) Installation

We removed steps, angle was left to avoid pinch points and then we stabilized the area with patio blocks. You can also see the custom built gate at the top.