Older adults are advised to get at least 7 to 8 hours of good-quality sleep each night. By regularly doing so, seniors can enjoy a number of health benefits. The problem, of course, is that getting a good night’s sleep is often difficult for the elderly. A combination of aches and pains and the frequent need to go to the bathroom is enough to keep any older person awake for most of the night.
What can older adults do to achieve more restful sleeps at night?
Reserve your bedroom for sleep only.
Of course, bedrooms can be used for many things. For some people, bedrooms are places to watch TV, read, listen to music, exercise and work. Ideally, you should use your bedroom for sleep and sleep alone. This helps you to better associate the room with rest and tranquility. As well, removing the abovementioned distractions from the bedroom will help to keep it a more peaceful place. This makes it ideal for a good night’s sleep.
“If you start tossing and turning, get up, and go into another room until you are tired enough to sleep,” suggests Brenda Enright of Home Instead Senior Care, “This helps train your brain that the bedroom is only for sleep.”
Bring more light into your life.
Quite obviously, we associate sleep with quiet, comfort and darkness. Most of us need all of the above in order to sleep more soundly. In order to create a better transition to a state of restfulness at night, it’s wise to get ample light into your day. That entails getting outside and into the sunshine in the morning and/or afternoon. According to Amica Senior Lifestyles, doing so has a psychological impact on your body.
“Light has a powerful effect on your brain,” explains their website, “It enhances your mood and helps your biological clock to provide the right signal to your body for a good night of sleep at the right time. Due to changes in the eye due to aging, getting enough light can be especially important for seniors. If you can’t get outside for natural light, turn on lights inside to provide your brain with a strong signal during the day.”
Exercise daily.
Naturally, the more you exercise, the more energy you burn. As a result, getting in a light workout each day can provide you with multiple benefits. Firstly, exercise is a great way to maintain healthy body weights, improve blood circulation and keep fit. Secondly, the energy you spend working out will help you to rest better when bedtime rolls around. According to Enright, it’s a good idea to exercise in the great outdoors.
“Get outside during the day when possible,” she recommends, “When you get out, you are telling your body when it is time to be awake. It can help with the natural rhythm of your body.”
Create an accessible bedroom.
At Advantage Home Health Solutions, we offer a variety of ways to create an accessible bedroom. They include support pillows, support beds, adjustable beds and safety rails. Contact us for effective advice about how wheelchair accessible bedroom design can help you enjoy your bedroom time more. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 403-460-5438. You may also email us by filling out the form on our Contact page!
Be sure to ask us for effective advice about how a wheelchair accessible bedroom design can help you enjoy your bedroom time more. We will help you to discover whether you qualify for funding. As well, we are available to provide free in-home assessments to help you discover the most effective ways to make your bedroom, and the rest of your home, barrier free.